Planning Your Wedding on a Budget

Wedding Blog

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Planning Your Wedding on a Budget

Jamie McGregor

While weddings can easily cost a fortune, they don’t have to. It’s very possible to have a wonderful wedding without spending a great deal of money. Planning a wedding on a budget is a matter of clarifying your priorities, focusing on what’s important to you and economizing on the things you do want to include. These tips can help you to plan the wedding of your dreams without letting the cost become a nightmare.

Don’t Fall Into a Money Pit The stress of going into debt or straining your parents’ resources is far worse than the stress of having to pare your wedding budget. Many couples take out loans, open lines of credit on their homes or max out their credit cards to pay for expensive details that will soon be forgotten. Unfortunately, the bills and payments will be a constant source of stress. Don’t borrow to pay for your wedding; a heavy debt burden is no way to start a new life together.

Decide What is Important and What is Not Your wedding is not about what people will think or what the magazines say; your wedding is about you. Sit down and decide which details are important to each of you and which are not. Wedding favors often end up on the reception hall floor or in someone’s attic. None of your guests will notice if you don’t choose to buy them. If you’re a foodie, perhaps the day’s menu should get more of your budget and the flowers should get less. Make a list of your priorities and allot portions of your budget accordingly.

Economize Painlessly Grooms almost always wear a rented tuxedo, but brides feel obligated to purchase an expensive gown. If you’re not overly sentimental about keeping your dress, why not rent one for a fraction of the cost? You can afford to rent something far more extravagant than you’d be able to buy. Likewise, there’s no rule that you have to have live music and the band you hire may well disappoint you. Why not hire a DJ or just compile several CDs of your favorite music? There’s often so much going on at a reception that sit-down dinners go uneaten. Offer a finger food buffet for a lot less money or consider just serving cake and champagne. The point is to look at ways to spend less on the different parts of your wedding. Creativity, realistic expectations and a relaxed attitude can go a long way toward saving your budget and your sanity.

Keep it Simple Simplicity is in and that’s great news for anyone planning a wedding on a budget. Keep the details clean and the frills to a minimum and everyone will think you spent a lot of time and thought on an atmosphere of elegant simplicity. Think white muslin on the tables rather than expensive rented linen. Beautifully plain white stoneware is far less costly than gold or silver-rimmed porcelain. A spray of painted twigs in an elegant vase is dramatic, modern and practically free. Scattered river rocks and autumn leaves can be a rustically elegant fall tablescape. The most important thing to remember when planning your wedding on a budget is that everyone is going to be focused on you and the celebration that you’re sharing together. No one cares how much or how little you spent. By staying within your budget, you’ll be able to focus on the moment rather than the bills.