Keeping Kids Entertained

Wedding Blog

Wedding planning insights from the experts.

Keeping Kids Entertained

AGC Blogs

The Decision

This question seems to come up more often than not. When you are hosting an event, do you allow your guests to bring kids, or is it going to be an adult only event? Many people feel rude to not have their friends and family bring them. So if you Have made that leap to invite the little monsters, here are some ideas to keep them entertained and confined to one area.

Kids Table, This is a table set in an area that is not in the middle of the main focus of your party. You do not need to order a centerpiece for this table or put candles. (lighting flowers on fire is not the entertainment you're looking for) Butcher Paper for Tablecloth Coloring Books with Crayons Legos (big or small depending on ages) Action Figures Toy Cars Twister Checkers Movies (ask your venue on TV/DVD option) Puzzles Books Etch A Sketch (they have minis now) Magnetic Blocks Craft Projects Slinky Glow Stick Pieces Things NOT to have on the table: Things with glitter, silly string or confetti Stickers (they will end up everywhere!) Elmer's Glue (stick with the glue sticks)

If you happen to be outside, there are more options like Blow Up Sumo Wrestlers, Bubbles Bounce House, Corn Hole (throwing bean bags into a board of holes with points) Plastic Horseshoes, Hula Hoops etc.

These are just some of the ideas to keep them busy.

Obviously not all of them apply to all ages, so choose according to group that you are inviting. When planning on choosing, you can ask your venue if they already work with any of the companies that you need to hire. This way, you save some time and you can just work it out with them. The idea is for your guests to enjoy their time at your event, and not focused on chasing their kids around. They will be very thankful that you took the time to consider their needs. One last idea, I have had clients hire someone to keep an eye on the kiddos during the event. This is not a bad idea, just hire someone to sit at the kids table. It will be well worth the money. Hopefully this is helpful, good luck!