Choosing The Best Drinks Option for Your Wedding

Wedding Blog

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Choosing The Best Drinks Option for Your Wedding

Allison Doyle

As anyone who is in the midst of planning a wedding can tell you, making a decision concerning how to stock the bar at your wedding is a tough call. There are pros and cons for each option, ranging from an open bar to cash bar, and we have a few suggestions to help you pick the right choice for your wedding.

Firstly, when it comes to stocking your bar, it’s a good idea to feature a combination of alcohols and mixers. You should make sure to stock a good mix of liquors, ranging from rum to vodka, as well as some basic mixers. Champagne is also a great idea, just in case someone decides to make a toast to the new bride and groom. Beer and wine are also a must—many people prefer beer and wine to hard liquor. Lastly, if your budget is a bit problematic, some couples choose to offer beer and wine to their guests, and then they also offer “special cocktails” that match the theme of the wedding. Guests can then imbibe as much as they want, but their options are limited to beer, wine, and the two cocktails that the bride and groom picked out.

Here are a few thoughts concerning the bar itself: An open bar is great, especially if your budget is flexible. They’re usually expensive, mainly because guests can order whatever they want during the entire wedding. Also, there aren’t any limits on the amount of drinks a guest can order—so if you have a guest that has a reputation for having a little too much fun at parties, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on them.

Limited bars either offer a limited selection of alcohol or they are only open for a set period of time. If money is a concern, but you’d still like your guests to cut loose and have some fun, then this option might be the best. A cash bar is, well, not exactly the best option. Some might assume that a cash bar will help to keep costs low, but typically it will only result in your guests begrudgingly spending their cash on one or two drinks each. Lastly, if your or your partner’s family has a negative history with alcohol, then a dry bar might be a good idea. You don’t need to have alcohol at a wedding to have a good time!

Whichever option you end up choosing, we’re positive that your wedding day will go smoothly. Enjoy your special day!